Pharmacological modulation of inflammatory oligodendrocyte progenitor cells using three multiple sclerosis disease modifying therapies in vitro. Jank L, Catenacci RB, Minney V, Galleguillos D, Calabresi PA. (2024). Neurotherapeutics. 2024e00379.

Neurodegeneration and demyelination in multiple sclerosis. Garton T, Gadani SP, Gill AJ, Calabresi PA. (2024). Neuron. 2024S0896-6273(24)00372.

Multiple Sclerosis and Other Acquired Demyelinating Diseases of the Central Nervous System. Kornberg, MD, Calabresi, PA. (2024). Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology (2024): a041374.

Ependymal cells undergo astrocyte‐like reactivity in response to neuroinflammation. Groh AM, Caporicci‐Dinucci N, Afanasiev E, Bigotte M, Lu B, Gertsvolf J, Smith MD, Garton T, Callahan‐Martin L, Allot A, Hatrock DJ, Mamane V, Drake S, Tai H, Ding J, Fournier AE, Larochelle C, Calabresi PA, Stratton JA. (2024). Journal of Neurochemistry.

The Effects of NLY01, a Novel Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonist, on Cuprizone-Induced Demyelination and Remyelination: Challenges and Future Perspectives. Gharagozloo M, Galleguillos D, Jank L, Sotirchos ES, Smith MD, Garton T, Kumar S, Hussein O, Potluri S, Taylor M, Siu C, Mace JW, Dawson T, Dawson VL, Lee S, Calabresi PA. (2023). Neurotherapeutics. 2023 Jul;20(4):1229-1240.

MHC class I and MHC class II reporter mice enable analysis of immune oligodendroglia in mouse models of multiple sclerosis. Harrington, EP, Catenacci, RB, Smith, MD, Heo, D, Miller, CE, Meyers, KR, Glatzer, J, Bergles, DE, & Calabresi, PA (2023). eLife, 12, e82938.

Dectin-1 signaling on colonic γδ T cells promotes psychosocial stress responses. Zhu, X., Sakamoto, S., Ishii, C., Smith, M. D., Ito, K., Obayashi, M., Unger, L., Hasegawa, Y., Kurokawa, S., Kishimoto, T., Li, H., Hatano, S., Wang, T.-H., Yoshikai, Y., Kano, S., Fukuda, S., Sanada, K., Calabresi, P. A., & Kamiya, A. (2023). Nature Immunology.

Spatial Transcriptomics of Meningeal Inflammation Reveals Variable Penetrance of Inflammatory Gene Signatures into Adjacent Brain Parenchyma. Gadani SP, Singh S, Kim S, Smith MD, Calabresi PA, Bhargava, P. (2023). eLife 12, RP88414

Animal models to investigate the effects of inflammation on remyelination in multiple sclerosis. Gharagozloo, M., Mace, J. W., & Calabresi, P. A. (2022). Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, 571.

Intermittent calorie restriction alters T cell subsets and metabolic markers in people with multiple sclerosis. Fitzgerald KC, Bhargava P, Smith MD, Vizthum D, Henry-Barron B, Kornberg MD, Cassard SD, Kapogiannis D, Sullivan P, Baer DJ, Calabresi PA, Mowry EM. EBioMedicine. (2022). Aug;82:104124.

Contributors to Serum NfL Levels in People without Neurologic Disease. Fitzgerald KC, Sotirchos ES, Smith MD, Lord HN, DuVal A, Mowry EM, Calabresi PA. Ann Neurol. (2022). Oct;92(4):688-698.

Association of Serum Neurofilament Light Chain With Inner Retinal Layer Thinning in Multiple Sclerosis. Sotirchos ES, Vasileiou ES, Filippatou AG, Fitzgerald KC, Smith MD, Lord HN, Kalaitzidis G, Lambe J, Duval A, Prince JL, Mowry EM, Saidha S, Calabresi PA. Neurology. 2022 May 26;99(7):e688–97.

CEST MRI and MALDI imaging reveal metabolic alterations in the cervical lymph nodes of EAE mice. Thomas AM, Yang E, Smith MD, Chu C, Calabresi PA, Glunde K, van Zijl PCM, Bulte JWM (2022). Journal of Neuroinflammation. 2022;19(1).

Reactive Astrocytes Derived From Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Suppress Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cell Differentiation. Smith MD, Chamling X, Gill AJ, Martinez H, Li W, Fitzgerald KC, Sotirchos ES, Moroziewicz D, Bauer L, Paull D, Gharagozloo M, Bhargava P, Zack DJ, Fossati V and Calabresi PA (2022) Front. Mol. Neurosci. 15:874299.

Proteomic Alterations and Novel Markers of Neurotoxic Reactive Astrocytes in Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Models. Labib D, Wang Z, Prakash P, Zimmer M, Smith MD, Frazel PW, Barbar L, Sapar ML, Calabresi PA, Peng J, Liddelow SA and Fossati V (2022) Front. Mol. Neurosci. 15:870085.

Retinal pathology in spontaneous opticospinal experimental autoimmune encephalitis mice. Jin, J., Shneyderman, M., Smith, M.D., Gharagozloo, M., Sotirchos, E.S. and Calabresi, P.A., 2022. Journal of Neuroimmunology, p.577859.

Breaking the barriers to remyelination in multiple sclerosis. Gharagozloo, M., Bannon, R., & Calabresi, P. A. (2022). Current Opinion in Pharmacology, 63, 102194.

Complement component 3 from astrocytes mediates retinal ganglion cell loss during neuroinflammation. Gharagozloo M, Smith MD, Jin J, Garton T, Taylor M, Chao A, Meyers K, Kornberg MD, Zack DJ, Ohayon J, Calabresi BA, Reich DS, Eberhart CG, Pardo CA, Kemper C, Whartenby KA, Calabresi PA. 2021. Acta Neuropathologica.

A lymphocyte–microglia–astrocyte axis in chronic active multiple sclerosis. Absinta M, Maric D, Gharagozloo M, Garton T, Smith MD, Jin J, Fitzgerald KC, Song A, Liu P, Lin JP, Wu T, Johnson KR, McGavern DB, Schafer DP, Calabresi PA, Reich DS. Nature. 2021 Sep;597(7878):709-714. doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-03892-7.

Multi-omic evaluation of metabolic alterations in multiple sclerosis identifies shifts in aromatic amino acid metabolism. Fitzgerald KC, Smith MD, Kim S, Sotirchos ES, Kornberg MD, Douglas M, Nourbakhsh B, Graves J, Rattan R, Poisson L, Cerghet M, Mowry EM, Waubant E, Giri S, Calabresi PA, Bhargava P. (2021). Cell Reports Medicine. 2(10).

Discordant humoral and T cell immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in people with multiple sclerosis on anti-CD20 therapy. Gadani SP, Reyes-Mantilla M, Jank L, Harris S, Douglas M, Smith MD, Calabresi PA, Mowry EM, Fitzgerald KC, Bhargava, P. (2021). EBioMedicine. 73:103636.

Trials and tribulations on the path to remyelination. Calabresi, P. A. (2021). The Lancet. Neurology, 20(9), 686–687.

Therapeutic Potential of a Novel Glucagon-like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonist, NLY01, in Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis. Gharagozloo M, Smith MD, Sotirchos ES, Jin J, Meyers K, Taylor M, Garton T, Bannon R, Lord HN, Dawson TM, Dawson VL, Lee S, Calabresi PA. Neurotherapeutics. 2021 Jul;18(3):1834-1848. doi: 10.1007/s13311-021-01088-5.

Diversity and Function of Glial Cell Types in Multiple Sclerosis. Schirmer, L., Schafer, D. P., Bartels, T., Rowitch, D. H., & Calabresi, P. A. (2021). Trends in Immunology, 0(0).

Inhibition of neutral sphingomyelinase 2 promotes remyelination. ]Yoo, S.-W., Agarwal, A., Smith, M. D., Khuder, S. S., Baxi, E. G., Thomas, A. G., Rojas, C., Moniruzzaman, M., Slusher, B. S., Bergles, D. E., Calabresi, P. A., & Haughey, N. J. (2020). Science Advances, 6(40), eaba5210.

iPSCs from people with MS can differentiate into oligodendrocytes in a homeostatic but not an inflammatory milieu. Morales Pantoja, I. E., Smith, M. D., Rajbhandari, L., Cheng, L., Gao, Y., Mahairaki, V., … Calabresi, P. A. & Whartenby, K. A. (2020). PLOS ONE, 15(6), e0233980.

Remyelination alters the pattern of myelin in the cerebral cortex. Orthmann-Murphy, J., Call, C. L., Molina-Castro, G. C., Hsieh, Y. C., Rasband, M. N., Calabresi, P. A., & Bergles, D. E. (2020). ELife, 9.

Bile acid metabolism is altered in multiple sclerosis and supplementation ameliorates neuroinflammation. Bhargava, P., Smith, M. D., Mische, L., Harrington, E. P., Fitzgerald, K. C., Martin, K. A., … Calabresi, P. A. (2020). Journal of Clinical Investigation.

Aggarwal, M., Smith, M. D., & Calabresi, P. A. (2020). Diffusion‐time dependence of diffusional kurtosis in the mouse brain. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, mrm.28189.

Thomas, A. M., Xu, J., Calabresi, P. A., van Zijl, P. C. M., & Bulte, J. W. M. (2019). Monitoring diffuse injury during disease progression in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis with on resonance variable delay multiple pulse (onVDMP) CEST MRI. NeuroImage204, 116245.

Harrington, E. P., Bergles, D. E., & Calabresi, P. A. (2019). Immune cell modulation of oligodendrocyte lineage cell. Neuroscience Letters, 134601.

International Multiple Sclerosis Genetics Consortium. (2019). Multiple sclerosis genomic map implicates peripheral immune cells and microglia in susceptibility. Science, 365(6460), eaav7188.

Gharagozloo, M., Mahmoud, S., Simard, C., Yamamoto, K., Bobbala, D., Ilangumaran, S., Smith, M. D., … Calabresi, P. A., Amrani, A., Gris, D. (2019). NLRX1 inhibits the early stages of CNS inflammation and prevents the onset of spontaneous autoimmunity. PLOS Biology17(9), e3000451.

Gonzalez Cardona, J., Smith, M. D., Wang, J., Kirby, L., Schott, J. T., Davidson, T., … Calabresi, P. A. (2019). Quetiapine has an additive effect to triiodothyronine in inducing differentiation of oligodendrocyte precursor cells through induction of cholesterol biosynthesis. PLOS ONE14(9), e0221747.

Kirby, L., Jin, J., Cardona, J. G., Smith, M. D., Martin, K. A., Wang, J., … Calabresi, P. A. (2019). Oligodendrocyte precursor cells present antigen and are cytotoxic targets in inflammatory demyelination. Nature Communications10(1), 3887.

Hollinger, K. R., Smith, M. D., Kirby, L. A., Prchalova, E., Alt, J., Rais, R., … Calabresi, P. A., Slusher, B. S. (2019). Glutamine antagonism attenuates physical and cognitive deficits in a model of MS. Neurology - Neuroimmunology Neuroinflammation6(6), e609.

Jin, J., Smith, M. D., Kersbergen, C. J., Kam, T.-I., Viswanathan, M., Martin, K., … Calabresi, P. A. (2019). Glial pathology and retinal neurotoxicity in the anterior visual pathway in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Acta Neuropathologica Communications, 7(1), 125.

Fitzgerald KC, Kim K, Smith MD, Aston SA, Fioravante N, Rothman AM, … Calabresi, P.A. (2019) Early complement genes are associated with visual system degeneration in multiple sclerosis. Brain. doi:10.1093/brain/awz188

Bhargava, P., Wicken, C., Smith, M. D., Strowd, R. E., Cortese, I., Reich, D. S., … Calabresi, P. A., Mowry, E. M. (2019). Trial of intrathecal rituximab in progressive multiple sclerosis patients with evidence of leptomeningeal contrast enhancement. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, 30, 136–140.

Horti, A. G., Naik, R., Foss, C. A., Minn, I., Misheneva, V., Du, Y., … Calabresi, P. A., … Pomper, M. G. (2019). PET imaging of microglia by targeting macrophage colony-stimulating factor 1 receptor (CSF1R). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 201812155.

Bhargava, P., Fitzgerald, K. C., Venkata, S. L. V., Smith, M. D., Kornberg, M. D., Mowry, E. M., … Calabresi, P. A. (2018). Dimethyl fumarate treatment induces lipid metabolism alterations that are linked to immunological changes. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology.

Kornberg, M. D., Bhargava, P., Kim, P. M., Putluri, V., Snowman, A. M., Putluri, N., Calabresi, P. A., Snyder, S. H. (2018). Dimethyl fumarate targets GAPDH and aerobic glycolysis to modulate immunity. Science.

Kornberg, M. D., Smith, M. D., Shirazi, H. A., Calabresi, P. A., Snyder, S. H., & Kim, P. M. (2018). Bryostatin-1 alleviates experimental multiple sclerosis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201719902.

Calabresi, P. A. (2018). Advances in multiple sclerosis: from reduced relapses to remedies. The Lancet Neurology, 17(1), 10–12.

Reich, D. S., Lucchinetti, C. F., & Calabresi, P. A. (2018). Multiple Sclerosis. New England Journal of Medicine, 378(2), 169–180.

Smith, M. D., Calabresi, P. A., & Bhargava, P. (2017). Dimethyl fumarate treatment alters NK cell function in multiple sclerosis. European Journal of Immunology.

Baxi, E. G., DeBruin, J., Jin, J., Strasburger, H. J., Smith, M. D., Orthmann-Murphy, J. L., … Calabresi, P. A. (2017). Lineage tracing reveals dynamic changes in oligodendrocyte precursor cells following cuprizone-induced demyelination. Glia.

Smith, M. D., Martin, K. A., Calabresi, P. A., & Bhargava, P. (2017). Dimethyl fumarate alters B-cell memory and cytokine production in MS patients. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology, 4(5), 351–355.

Glenn, J. D., Smith, M. D., Xue, P., Chan-Li, Y., Collins, S., Calabresi, P. A., … Whartenby, K. A. (2017). CNS-targeted autoimmunity leads to increased influenza mortality in mice. The Journal of Experimental Medicine, 214(2), jem.20160517.

Orthmann-Murphy, J. L., & Calabresi, P. A. (2017). Therapeutic Application of Monoclonal Antibodies in Multiple Sclerosis. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 101(1), 52–64.

Schott, J. T., Kirby, L. A., Calabresi, P. A., & Baxi, E. G. (2016). Preparation of Rat Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cultures and Quantification of Oligodendrogenesis Using Dual-infrared Fluorescence Scanning. Journal of Visualized Experiments, (108), 53764.

Bhargava, P., & Calabresi, P. A. (2016). Metabolomics in multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis Journal, 22(4), 451–460.

Sotirchos, E. S., Bhargava, P., Eckstein, C., Van Haren, K., Baynes, M., Ntranos, A., … Calabresi, P. A. (2016). Safety and immunologic effects of high- vs low-dose cholecalciferol in multiple sclerosis. Neurology, 86(4), 382–390.

Grishkan, I. V, Tosi, D. M., Bowman, M. D., Harary, M., Calabresi, P. A., & Gocke, A. R. (2015). Antigenic Stimulation of Kv1.3-Deficient Th Cells Gives Rise to a Population of Foxp3-Independent T Cells with Suppressive Properties. Journal of Immunology.

Baxi, E. G., DeBruin, J., Tosi, D. M., Grishkan, I. V., Smith, M. D., Kirby, L. A., … Gocke, A. R. (2015). Transfer of Myelin-Reactive Th17 Cells Impairs Endogenous Remyelination in the Central Nervous System of Cuprizone-Fed Mice. Journal of Neuroscience, 35(22), 8626–8639.

Bhargava, P., Gocke, A., & Calabresi, P. A. (2015). 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 impairs the differentiation of effector memory T cells in vitro in multiple sclerosis patients and healthy controls. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 279, 20–4.

Baxi, E. G., Schott, J. T., Fairchild, A. N., Kirby, L. A., Karani, R., Uapinyoying, P., … Calabresi, P. A. (2014). A selective thyroid hormone β receptor agonist enhances human and rodent oligodendrocyte differentiation. Glia, 62(9), 1513–29.

Ntranos, A., Hall, O., Robinson, D. P., Grishkan, I. V, Schott, J. T., Tosi, D. M., … Gocke, A. R. (2014). FTY720 impairs CD8 T-cell function independently of the sphingosine-1-phosphate pathway. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 270(1–2), 13–21.

Grishkan, I. V, Fairchild, A. N., Calabresi, P. A., & Gocke, A. R. (2013). 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 selectively and reversibly impairs T helper-cell CNS localization. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110(52), 21101–6.

Grishkan, I. V, Ntranos, A., Calabresi, P. A., & Gocke, A. R. Helper T cells down-regulate CD4 expression upon chronic stimulation giving rise to double-negative T cells. Cellular Immunology, 284(1–2), 68–74.

Hu, L., Wang, T., Gocke, A. R., Nath, A., Zhang, H., Margolick, J. B., … Calabresi, P. A. (2013). Blockade of Kv1.3 potassium channels inhibits differentiation and granzyme B secretion of human CD8+ T effector memory lymphocytes. PloS One, 8(1), e54267.

Gocke, A. R., Lebson, L. A., Grishkan, I. V, Hu, L., Nguyen, H. M., Whartenby, K. A., … Calabresi, P. A. (2012). Kv1.3 deletion biases T cells toward an immunoregulatory phenotype and renders mice resistant to autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Journal of Immunology, 188(12), 5877–86.

Hu, L., Gocke, A. R., Knapp, E., Rosenzweig, J. M., Grishkan, I. V, Baxi, E. G., … Calabresi, P. A. (2012). Functional blockade of the voltage-gated potassium channel Kv1.3 mediates reversion of T effector to central memory lymphocytes through SMAD3/p21cip1 signaling. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287(2), 1261–8.